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How to Prolong the Lifespan of Your Mushroom Chocolate

How to Prolong the Lifespan of Your Mushroom Chocolate

BY Promoted Content

6th Mar 2024 CBD Oil

4 min read

For mushroom enthusiasts and healthy chocolate seekers, Mushroom Chocolate has become a flavour-rich, nutrient-dense go-to treat. You brew your cocoa with the best fungi, and it's not just a sweet delight—mushroom chocolate potentially packs a serious health punch.  
But like all good things, your homemade or store-bought mushroom chocolate is worth preserving so you can savour it for as long as possible. 
Image of a Cookies and Cream chocolate bar

Ensure the longevity of your delightful mushroom-infused treat with these tips:

Storage Tips

It all starts with proper storage. Improperly stored chocolate can lead to undesirable flavor, texture, and appearance changes. To preserve the sensory experience, keep your mushroom chocolate in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Store-bought mushroom chocolate often comes in resealable, airtight packaging—use it. If you're crafty in the kitchen, consider transferring your piece of chocolate to an airtight container to maintain freshness.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

Temperature and humidity are the enemies of chocolate. Aim to keep your mushroom chocolate in a consistently excellent and dry environment. This typically means keeping it in a cupboard or pantry but not above the stove or near humidifiers.

Avoid Direct Sunlight and Heat Exposure

Chocolate can easily melt at temperatures above 70°F (21°C). Once melted, it will resolve, which can result in a less appealing texture. Additionally, direct sunlight can cause chocolate to bloom—showing as a white, powdery surface on the chocolate—that won't harm the chocolate but can detract from its appearance.

Consider Using Airtight Containers

Airtight containers protect the chocolate from moisture and odours that can be absorbed and alter the taste. Glass jars or high-quality plastic containers with a tight seal will do the trick. Just make sure they are clean and dry before transferring your chocolate.

Handling Instructions

How you handle your mushroom chocolate is as important as how you store it. Always start with clean hands or utensils to prevent bacterial contamination. Moisture is another chocolate nemesis, as it can cause the sugar to dissolve, leading to a gritty texture and shorter shelf life. Keep your chocolate bone dry!

Use Clean Hands or Utensils

Bacteria from your skin can transfer to the chocolate, especially if it's being handled often. To keep your chocolate free from unwanted intruders, wash your hands and opt for utensils when possible to keep contact to a minimum.

Prevent Moisture Exposure

Moisture not only shortens the lifespan but can lead to the growth of mold. Make sure any surface your chocolate comes in contact with is dry. You might want to wrap leftovers in wax paper before putting them in a container to add a layer of defense.

Avoid Frequent Temperature Changes

Drastic temperature changes can cause condensation, introducing unwanted moisture to the chocolate. Keep your chocolate away from heating and cooling vents, and try not to transfer it directly from the fridge to a hot room.

Preservation Techniques

If you find yourself with more mushroom chocolate than your typical consumption rate, consider these preservation techniques to extend the shelf life as much as possible.

Refrigeration for Extended Shelf Life

Refrigeration is a solid choice for prolonging the life of mushroom chocolate. It provides a controlled environment of consistent temperature and helps to avoid temperature change shock when the chocolate is removed and sits out to come to room temperature.

Freezing for Long-Term Storage

For really long-term storage, freezing is an option. It will keep the chocolate safe from both moisture and temperature fluctuations. To avoid condensation upon thawing, bring your chocolate to room temperature inside the container before you open it.

Vacuum Sealing for Freshness

Vacuum sealing removes all air from the packaging, which can slow down the oxidation process, which can lead to taste deterioration. This might be a worthwhile investment if you're making large batches of mushroom chocolate.
Image of some slabs of chocolate with dried strawberries

5 Tips To Know If Your Mushroom Chocolate Is Expiring

No matter how well you store, handle, and preserve your mushroom chocolate, it will eventually reach its expiration date. Here are five telltale signs to know when to bid farewell.

Check the Expiration Date

Always check the expiration date printed on the packaging of your store-bought mushroom chocolate. If you made it yourself, label it with the date you made it so you can keep track of its shelf life.

Inspect for Changes in Appearance

Mushroom chocolate past its prime will have a dull appearance, and the color may look faded or discolored. White spots or film on the surface are also signs of spoilage.

Smell It!

Spoiled mushroom chocolate will have a rancid or sour smell. Trust your nose—if it smells off, it's time to say goodbye.

Texture Changes

If your mushroom chocolate has developed a grainy texture, that's a sign of sugar crystal formation due to moisture exposure. Mold growth will also cause visible changes in the texture of the chocolate.

Taste Test

Of course, the ultimate test is a taste test. If your mushroom chocolate no longer tastes like the delicious treat you know and love, it's time to toss it out.

What To Do If Your Mushroom Chocolate Has Been Expired?

Once your mushroom chocolate has reached its expiration date, it's best to discard it. Consuming expired chocolate can lead to food poisoning and spoil the delicious experience that well-cared-for chocolate provides.
If you have a small amount of expired mushroom chocolate, you could try using it in recipes that require melted chocolate or as a topping on ice cream or other desserts where the texture is less important. Just be sure to thoroughly cook the chocolate before consuming it, as heat will kill any bacteria that may have formed.
In general, it's best to err on the side of caution and not consume expired mushroom chocolate. Remember, proper storage and handling techniques can help extend the shelf life of chocolate, but it will eventually expire like all other food products. So enjoy your shroom chocolate in moderation, and watch those expiration dates! 


A treat is as unique as mushroom chocolate deserves to be savored. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that every bite is as enjoyable as the first. Store your chocolate in a cool, dry place, handle it carefully, and utilize preservation techniques when needed. With a little attention to detail, your mushroom chocolate can be enjoyed long after its creation. Savor the flavor and the benefits, one meticulously preserved piece at a time.