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How to wear statement earrings

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How to wear statement earrings
Learn how to let your ears do the talking with these tips for wearing statement earrings, which show us that sometimes, big and bold is the way to go
The easiest, quickest, and cheapest way to modernise any outfit is by adding the right pair of earrings. It's not subtle, dainty earrings, but bold, colourful, Joan-Miró-is-my-muse kind of earrings that have impact. Choose a colour that flatters you as a starting point and go from there. Good quality basic clothes that are already in your wardrobe, like a shift dress or a cashmere jumper, are the perfect foil for transformational statement earrings. Changing the focal point with earrings can make the whole outfit look completely different.
Your statement earrings can be made of bright enamel, colourful resin, silk tassels, cheerful pompoms, or a luxury metal. They can be asymmetrical or matching. They just need to have presence and impact. The only "rule" is that the more petite you are, the smaller your statement earring may need to be; you want to wear the earring rather than have it wear you. Also, when wearing a statement earring, pay more attention to your lipstick. A brighter-than-usual finished lip looks more balanced when you're bringing extra attention to your face via earrings.
Statement or not, I can't stand the feeling of heavy earrings, so I always look for ones that make a big impact but are still incredibly light to wear. Few brands do this better than Yorkshire-based Toolally. Their handmade earrings are colourful, acrylic, and light as a feather. Marks and Spencer also deserve top marks for their summer earrings; they look well above their price point and most are very light and wearable. My other go-to brand for earrings is J Crew; they usually have an impressively well-curated selection.
Despite my love of all things shiny, I like to avoid too much sparkle on a daytime statement earring to avoid veering into Pat Butcher territory. The only exception I'd make to this is if the earring is in the fine or demi-fine jewellery category. London brand ADOR by Ayesha does amethyst, rose quartz, and multi- coloured jade earrings which have a restrained elegant glimmer rather than a brash rhinestone sparkle.
"Let your ears do the talking"
Besides heavy earrings, my personal bugbear is an earring where the piercing is not covered, like a wire or fish hook style earring. Gravity and time have not been kind to my earlobes, so I prefer something that covers them as much as possible, like the style I'm wearing above. I only buy things that have longevity, whether they're a trend or not. I know I'll enjoy wearing earrings that don't draw attention to my creased earlobes since the situation is unlikely to improve with the passing of time!
Be prepared for your statement earrings to become a conversation starter. Ordering a coffee or paying for book, they will be noticed and likely complimented. Sometimes it's nice to let your ears do the talking for a change!