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3 Ways to Spice Up Date Night


1st Jan 2015 Dating & Relationships

3 Ways to Spice Up Date Night
Many couples keep their spark lit up with regular date nights. What happens when your date nights become just another chore and the passion disappears? Here are tips on how you can reinvigorate your date nights.

Do Something Different

Although a dinner and a visit to the theatre are a lovely way to spend some quality time with your loved one, doing the same old things can take the magic out of date night. As you probably started having date nights to bring some change to your relationship in the first place, you naturally don’t want your date nights to start following the same routine.
Try new things, whether it is picking a completely new restaurant or going to a cabaret instead of a play. Even little changes like this mean that both of you are looking forward to something new and the excitement of sharing a new experience will add more interest to the night.
On top of this, you occasionally want to go completely out of your comfort zones. Why not try rock climbing, salsa dancing, or anything else you previously thought you wouldn’t dream of? Doing something which gets your adrenaline pumping can add much more vigour to your date night.

Change the Conversation

It’s very easy to find yourselves talking about the same old things on your date nights. Even if you do something out of the ordinary, the conversation can quickly return to your weekly activities or friendly gossip over relatives and friends.
Mixing up the topics of conversation can help you see your partner in a new light and it’s a great way to relight that spark. If you feel out of ideas when it comes to conversation topics, you can try a few things. You can search for ideas online and write down any topic ideas that come to mind. Pick a topic without looking and try to keep the conversation going for at least 10 minutes before choosing something else. You could even use a dictionary for ideas!
For some additional passion, you can add naughty topic ideas to the list. If you are staying home, then talking about your fantasies can be a great topic to discuss over the dessert.


Play with the Date Night Concept

Date night doesn’t need to be just one night during the week that you devote to each other. It can be reinvigorating to play with the concept and try different things to keep the flame alight.
Instead of going for a late-night dinner, why not wake up early in the morning and go for a luxury breakfast? You could even try midnight stargazing at times.
Furthermore, don’t return home after every date night. A fantastic date night can quickly lose its magic when you get back home to see a kitchen sink full of dishes. Try to occasionally organise time to stay the night somewhere else. A hotel night every once in a while won’t break the budget and there are plenty of affordable options, such as going camping or trying an apartment swap in your local neighbourhood.
The key is to mix things up a bit and step out of your comfort zones. Trying new things is much more enjoyable with your reliable partner and can make you feel more love towards your partner!
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